Monday, October 18, 2010

Manchvegas baby

Im hangin out in Manchvegas, but this one's a little more foreign to me. I'm having a great time, the show was awesome, kids rule over here and they thoroughly enjoy freaking their shit. Yesterday was quite wild. We played two shows within 2 hours of one another one block away. Cant say we've ever played a show (which was sold out)as a support band then packed up and walked down a block to play a headlining show. The second show was awesome, we had about 30 kids get wild and know pretty much every word. I think Tim put it best when it said, "It was truly a humbling experience when kids this far away know words to your songs." It was also Tim's 22nd birthday so if you havn't given him birthday wishes its never too late.
On another note, we went to a castle called Dunnottar Castle on our day off and I believe it is one of the more famous castles in Scotland with its resume including visits from William Wallace (Braveheart), Mary Queen of Scots, the Marquis of Montrose and the future King Charles II. "Most famously though, it was at Dunnottar Castle that a small garrison held out against the might of Cromwell’s army for eight months and saved the Scottish Crown Jewels, the ‘Honours of Scotland’, from destruction." ( It was wild check out my facebook pics.

The trips been great Im excited to get to mainland Europe but still enjoying our time in the UK.

Yours truly,

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