Sunday, November 14, 2010

Never Felt So Good

So Prague ended up being one of my favorite places on the tour. The buildings were wild, almost Alice and Wonderland-esqe, we walked around a castle, saw where archers used to make it rain from, went into a bad ass Cathedral, saw two wild clocks, found an absinthe bar, needless to say we made the rounds. On top of seeing all this cool stuff the show was one of my favorites of the year. The kids made it amazing and it was an awesome experience having kids come out to represent your band when your over 3,000 miles from home.
So after Prague we went to Austria, Germany for three days, and Italy for two to finish it up. Italy was good but we didn't have anytime to see anything cool besides the gloomy landscapes off the highway and we weren't in any awesome areas so we just hung out at the venues. Matt and I utilized our time wisely and won the FAA Cup in FIFA as Chelsea, it only took us about ten different times of starting the tournament to win and did we ever, the final game was a 6-0 beating of Fulham, count it. We are now better men.
The language barrier was in full effect when we were in Italy, luckily we had our good friend Matteo there to translate and teach us unforgivable phrases. However, I did manage to communicate how I wanted my haircut to an Italian-only speaking woman, and she nailed it! We ate a ton of pizza in Italy, it was in the festive spirit, and it was awesome.
We said farewell to our friend Tom who drove our asses around for the past month at around 6am in Milan, Italy. We will miss the frequent "FUCK ALL!" and "BLOODY WANKA!" from the front seat, as well as the FIFA coaching and overall football expertise. Hopefully one day we'll have the honor of showing him our country and how awesome American football is.
The plane ride home was rough. I've never been so happy to be in NYC than I was once we landed. We were coming in on the runway to land and we were dropping quicker than a blouse in a brothel, this was after 8 and a half hours of random gut wrenching drops shakes and shifts at 33,000 feet above the Atlantic...woof. Then our second plane, to Beantown, got canceled so after much confusion and no help from American Airlines we hopped in cabs en-route to La Guardia from JFK. Made the flight and quickly realized that I as going to accomplish flying in the smallest plane I've ever flown in, right after flying in the biggest plane I've ever been in. After much delay and weather warnings (that just caused the palms of our hands to become more sweaty and give us more time to contemplate our lives) we took off and actually had a decently smooth flight.

Finally, I can watch football again. Half mast just thinking about it.

Yours Truly,